
Frieda besucht den Zoo

...und macht eine unerwartete Erfahrung Authors: Anna Ferrari, Wolf Buck Illustrator: Alessandra Catalioti Publisher: Tredition Language: German   A trip to the zoo? Of course! - thinks Frieda the cat. After all, there are lots of...


Matilde’s Dream

Animals in freedom Self-publishing Text and illustrations: Alessandra Catalioti Preface: Francesco Cortonesi "Freedom is just as important to us as it is to you humans. Being confined in a place we did not choose...

Illustrated children's book Giotto The Little Fox

Giotto the little fox

GIOTTO the little fox Self-publishing Text and illustrations: Alessandra Catalioti Do you know that squirrels sometimes pretend to hide acorns and nuts to mislead provisions thieves? And that the badgers build huge lairs that are...

Illustrated children's book Anselmo e Greta

Anselmo and Greta

In the marzipan prison Self-publishing Text: Yuri Leoncini Idea and illustrations: Alessandra Catalioti Preface: Sonia Campa This children's book wants to convey respect for all animals that should be able to live freely rather than...